i am a concorp enjoyer

vex enthusiast
capitalism is ok (in minecraft) <3


incest/pedo ship anti-blm terf trumed dni hermit ship dni also

im not into dsmp/"mcyt" i just casually like hermitcraft & minecraft (game)!

pls dont call me a stan or a part of a fanfom/twt in a serious matter ;;

if you have any issues with me, my dms are open! ill be happy to talk! /gen

i was young and pretty stupid in this blog in the past so theres a lot of stuff i probably dont remember/agree with! (i also might impulse delete things due 2 regular episodes lol)

the mc zone
[tme] minor, white
might go ia sometimes, usually have a q

bonus funny page

minecraft (game/mods/etc)
hermitcraft (!!!)

pls don't say i'm into 'mcyt' just say hermitcraft to avoid confusion w other youtubers!

If i mention anyone else, it's for a joke



on tumblr ive had this blog since 2018, theres a lot of stuff i probably dont remember/agree with!

if i forget to tag anything, tell me! my memory is awful most of the time

on twt i dont follow back much due to anxiety/etc, sorry!


please read all of these

im not into dsmp/etc
please do not send me stuff about it bc i dont know anything, and dont want 2 know, thank you.

please dont call me a stan in a non joking way or a part of a fanfom/twt
it triggers my paranoia

if you have any issues with me, my dms are open! ill be happy to talk ^_^